Featured Member

Melody Zomonski (MelodyZ)

My name is Melody Zomonski and I have always loved to cook and bake.  I love trying out new recipes and new techniques in decorating.  In my journey though the corporate world from Executive Secretary, Purchasing Coordinator, Director of Marketing and Software Engineer taught me a lot of skills, but I would have never guessed it would lead me to opening my own company, Unique Creations By Mel in 2008.
My first experience with cake decorating was 36 years ago, on the day of my wedding, when my cake was delivered.  I sat down and cried because it was not what I ordered.  My mom went out and picked up some decorating supplies and we fixed it, or at least made it better than it was.
As a decorator I am basically self taught through trial and error and so many wonderful videos that are now available.  I am honored to have one of my wedding cakes in The Knot, a bridal magazine, and to have created a bulldog grooms cake for Jake Dowell and NHL player for the Minnesota wilds.
The first and only competition I have entered was at the Ohio State Fair in 2011.  I received 1st place and best of show on my wedding cake, 1st place on my juke box cake & 3rd place on my shoe box cake.  I have thought about entering other competitions but have been so busy I can’t seem to find the time.
Each week brings new challenges and it is wonderful to see the smiles when each cake is picked up or delivered.  I can honestly say I love my job!
Pumpkin Roll
Cake roll ingredients:

3 eggs
2/3 cup pumpkin (solid pack)
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 cup sugar
¾ cup flour
½ teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon cloves
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
¼ teaspoon salt
1 cup chopped pecans (optional
Powdered sugar for dusting

12 ounces cream cheese, softened
9 tablespoons butter, softened
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 ½ cups powdered sugar
1. Beat the eggs on high speed for 5 minutes.  
2. Gradually beat in sugar, then stir in the pumpkin and lemon juice and set aside.  
3. Stir together the dry ingredients, excluding the powdered sugar for dusting, then fold into the pumpkin mixture.
4. Line a 10 x 15 jelly roll pan with parchment or waxed paper and spray with non-stick spray.
5. Spread the pumpkin mixture evenly on top of the paper and sprinkle with nuts if using.
6. Bake at 350° until done, about 15 – 20 minutes.  With the cake is still hot, turn out onto a pastry towel that has been generously sprinkled with powdered sugar.
7. Start at the narrow end and roll towel and cake together to form a log.  Let cool.
8. While the cake is cooling combine all the filling ingredients in a medium sized bowl and mix with an electric mixer until completely blended and smooth.
9. Unroll the cake and remove the towel.  Spread the cream cheese filling over the surface. Roll the cake up again and wrap in plastic wrap.  Chill until ready to serve.
Make 1 log (about 8-12 servings)












Thank you, Melody, for sharing your recipe and photos with us!
If you’d like to participate as our Featured Member, please submit a photo of yourself, your bio, your favorite recipe and a bit of history about it, as well as some photos of your work to featured@sugaredproductions.com.




45 Featured Members

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Jeanette Saunders (Jlsaunders68)
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Susan Swartz (susankswartz)
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Julie Humphreys (Juliescakestudio)
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Debbie Gilliland (Crew Cakes)
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Catherine Miller (catmiller1986)
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Dani Rollemberg (Danirollemberg)
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DehMajisha Sigee (dmsigee@yahoo.com)
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Linda Pearcy (Linda P)
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Patricia Martyres (Mavric7)
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Karolyn Kellerman (Karolyn's Kakes)
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Cristy Russell (Cristy)
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Janell Deal (Janell)
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Diana Parrish (Diana)
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Angie Groniger (Hanics)
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Tara Grubb (Beetlebug20)
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Susan O' Toole (Suze)
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Rose Rodriguez (Roseyrod)
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Melody Zomonski (MelodyZ)
10 years ago
Emy Triay (etriay2000)
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Margaret Garner (Simply Cakes by Nona)
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Annette Colon (Nina)
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Michael Goolsby (Mikel79)
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Pamela Prokasy (nopro)
10 years ago
Maria Mendoza (grammagely)
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Paula Milne
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