Featured Member

Luanne McCallister (Angelwings)

Hi! I’m  Luanne, and I love to feed people! Whether it’s cake, cookies, candy, or just good old regular food, I enjoy cooking for my family. I decorated my first cake in 1979, for my daughter’s first birthday. It was from one of the kits that Wilton used to sell many many years ago. It came with a foil character pan (hers was Raggedy Ann and Andy), disposable bags, tips and colors. Remember when everything was covered in buttercream stars? Yup. Haha I was so proud of those cakes! When my kids got to their teen years, it wasn’t so cool anymore to have Mom make your cakes, so I pretty much got out of it for a very long time. About 5 or 6 years ago, I decided I wanted to try again. Finally took those Wilton classes that I’d never been able to take, and learned a few things that I hadn’t taught myself years ago. I also started working with fondant for the first time. I was terrified! Now, I’m more terrified if someone wants all buttercream. Haha I am now trying to perfect my cookie decorating skills, as well. I live in Southern Nevada, have two kids in their upper 30’s (how’d that happen???), and my two fur-babies, Joey and Charlee. I love seeing all of the tutorials on this site, and enjoy seeing everyone’s creations. There is such inspiration, everywhere!



The Last Cream Cheese Frosting Recipe You’ll Ever Need

Beat 8 oz. cold cream cheese (not rock solid, but it means you can use it straight out of the refrigerator) with 5 Tbsp. softened butter and 2 tsp. vanilla until combined. Gradually add 2 c. powdered sugar that has been sifted after measuring. Continue to add more sifted powdered sugar until you reach a consistency and sweetness that fits your taste.

No softening the cream cheese (though you do have to plan ahead with the butter). No whipping to a certain point that occurs for all of ten seconds before it's ruined. The hardest part is not eating the frosting straight from the bowl by the spoonful.









Thank you, Luanne, for sharing your recipe and photos with us!
If you’d like to participate as our Featured Member, please submit a photo of yourself, your bio, your favorite recipe and a bit of history about it, as well as some photos of your work to featured@sugaredproductions.com.

45 Featured Members

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6 years ago
Lisa Shelton (emt306533@yahoo.com
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Theresa Wright (Teesha1966)
6 years ago
Juliette Nazroo (Solange)
7 years ago
Jeanette Saunders (Jlsaunders68)
7 years ago
Catherine Roman (Do You Cake?)
7 years ago
Susan Swartz (susankswartz)
7 years ago
Dayanara Hernandez (Dayyi004)
7 years ago
Tammy Semmler (Piglet)
7 years ago
Malinda Hayes (SweetCaker)
7 years ago
Norma Ortiz (nlortiz)
7 years ago
Chrissa Blair (ckayb2000)
7 years ago
Cecilia van Winkle (Mamawink)
7 years ago
Tracey-Ann Edwards (Costacupcakecompany)
7 years ago
Veronica Bochat (Ronniebochat)
8 years ago
Suzanne Bone (smedeiros78)
8 years ago
Wendy McMullen (MississippiSweets)
8 years ago
Robin Munn (birdiegirlcakes)
8 years ago
Julie Humphreys (Juliescakestudio)
8 years ago
Debbie Gilliland (Crew Cakes)
8 years ago
Catherine Miller (catmiller1986)
8 years ago
Dani Rollemberg (Danirollemberg)
8 years ago
Cassie Unruh (cassieunruh)
8 years ago
Kim Oborne (slimkim)
9 years ago
Jacqui Stanzel (Jscreations)
9 years ago
Luanne McCallister (Angelwings)
9 years ago
DehMajisha Sigee (dmsigee@yahoo.com)
9 years ago
Linda Pearcy (Linda P)
9 years ago
Patricia Martyres (Mavric7)
9 years ago
Karolyn Kellerman (Karolyn's Kakes)
9 years ago
Cristy Russell (Cristy)
9 years ago
Janell Deal (Janell)
9 years ago
Diana Parrish (Diana)
9 years ago
Angie Groniger (Hanics)
9 years ago
Tara Grubb (Beetlebug20)
10 years ago
Susan O' Toole (Suze)
10 years ago
Rose Rodriguez (Roseyrod)
10 years ago
Melody Zomonski (MelodyZ)
10 years ago
Emy Triay (etriay2000)
10 years ago
Margaret Garner (Simply Cakes by Nona)
10 years ago
Annette Colon (Nina)
10 years ago
Michael Goolsby (Mikel79)
10 years ago
Pamela Prokasy (nopro)
10 years ago
Maria Mendoza (grammagely)
10 years ago
Paula Milne
11 years ago


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