Featured Member

Norma Ortiz (nlortiz)

Hi, my name is Norma Ortiz, I live in a small town right in the middle of New Mexico.  I’m married, (almost 50 years) whoa!!, the mother of two sons, one daughter in law, and 4 wonderful grandkids, 2 boys and 2 girls.

I haven’t been decorating cakes very long, but I really love doing it.  The frustration is bad sometimes, but I seem to keep on going and everything works out.  I’m just a hobby baker, baking for family and friends, and the church, but hopefully will get started in a business soon.  I can get a lot of my supplies at Walmart near here, or in Albuquerque, but I do order an awful lot. Sometimes it’s hard to have to wait for stuff, but we all know that’s part of the fun.

This year has been unusually wet, humid and hot, which of course, plays havoc with fondant.  I had my fondant slip on two cakes, just could not keep it on. That was a disaster, but somehow it got fixed.

I enjoy decorating cakes, (baking to a lesser extent), reading, spending time with my little grandson, gardening and sitting out on my new porch.  Just wish I could decorate out there, but oh well, can’t have everything.

Thank you to God, to Sharon, the staff at SugarEd, and all the members of SugarEd Productions for all the help. I could not do it without you.



Carrot Cake 

2 cups all-purpose flour
2 cups sugar
2 tsp baking soda
2 tsp cinnamon
I tsp salt
4 eggs
1 ½ cups vegetable oil
3 cups grated carrots
1 ½ cups chopped pecans (optional)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a large bowl, combine flour, sugar, baking soda, cinnamon and salt. Add eggs and vegetable oil and mix well, add carrots and pecans.

Pour into three 9-inch round greased, floured pans. Bake for approximately 40 minutes.

Remove from oven and cool for 5 minutes. Remove from pans, place on wax paper, and allow to cool completely before frosting.



One 8-oz package cream cheese
8 tablespoons (l stick) butter
One 16-oz box powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla
½ cup chopped pecans

Combine all ingredients except for nuts and beat until fluffy, add nuts.










Thank you, Norma, for sharing your recipe and photos with us!

If you’d like to participate as our Featured Member, please submit a photo of yourself, your bio, your favorite recipe and a bit of history about it, as well as some photos of your work to featured@sugaredproductions.com.

45 Featured Members

Julie Stottmann
6 years ago
Lisa Shelton (emt306533@yahoo.com
6 years ago
Theresa Wright (Teesha1966)
6 years ago
Juliette Nazroo (Solange)
7 years ago
Jeanette Saunders (Jlsaunders68)
7 years ago
Catherine Roman (Do You Cake?)
7 years ago
Susan Swartz (susankswartz)
7 years ago
Dayanara Hernandez (Dayyi004)
7 years ago
Tammy Semmler (Piglet)
7 years ago
Malinda Hayes (SweetCaker)
7 years ago
Norma Ortiz (nlortiz)
7 years ago
Chrissa Blair (ckayb2000)
7 years ago
Cecilia van Winkle (Mamawink)
7 years ago
Tracey-Ann Edwards (Costacupcakecompany)
8 years ago
Veronica Bochat (Ronniebochat)
8 years ago
Suzanne Bone (smedeiros78)
8 years ago
Wendy McMullen (MississippiSweets)
8 years ago
Robin Munn (birdiegirlcakes)
8 years ago
Julie Humphreys (Juliescakestudio)
8 years ago
Debbie Gilliland (Crew Cakes)
8 years ago
Catherine Miller (catmiller1986)
8 years ago
Dani Rollemberg (Danirollemberg)
8 years ago
Cassie Unruh (cassieunruh)
8 years ago
Kim Oborne (slimkim)
9 years ago
Jacqui Stanzel (Jscreations)
9 years ago
Luanne McCallister (Angelwings)
9 years ago
DehMajisha Sigee (dmsigee@yahoo.com)
9 years ago
Linda Pearcy (Linda P)
9 years ago
Patricia Martyres (Mavric7)
9 years ago
Karolyn Kellerman (Karolyn's Kakes)
9 years ago
Cristy Russell (Cristy)
9 years ago
Janell Deal (Janell)
9 years ago
Diana Parrish (Diana)
10 years ago
Angie Groniger (Hanics)
10 years ago
Tara Grubb (Beetlebug20)
10 years ago
Susan O' Toole (Suze)
10 years ago
Rose Rodriguez (Roseyrod)
10 years ago
Melody Zomonski (MelodyZ)
10 years ago
Emy Triay (etriay2000)
10 years ago
Margaret Garner (Simply Cakes by Nona)
10 years ago
Annette Colon (Nina)
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Michael Goolsby (Mikel79)
10 years ago
Pamela Prokasy (nopro)
10 years ago
Maria Mendoza (grammagely)
10 years ago
Paula Milne
11 years ago


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