Featured Member

Paula Milne

 Moderator & Assistant Administrator 

Paula was bitten by the cake decorating bug when she was a young child, watching her Grandma, who was a professional decorator, bake and decorate cakes. She is now the Owner of P's of Cake Custom Cakes, her home based cake decorating business, which she started  in 2010. Paula is an accomplished Cake Decorator with over 15 years experience, and continues to learn as much as she can. She specializes in providing her customers custom designed cakes, gourmet cupcakes, and a variety of cake pop creations.   

Paula actively serves as a member of SugarEd Productions Web Team, and teaches cake decorating 101 courses out of her home. She is a wife and mother to three children and lives in Saskatchewan, Canada. When not busy with her cake decorating, she enjoys spending time with her family, gardening and a variety of other crafts.



My Featured recipe is a good old fashioned Canadian Favorite.  In Canada, butter tarts are a tradition, usually made and shared around the holidays. They taste great and make cute gifts when packaged up in pretty festive containers. Here's a little history quoted from Wikipedia:

"The earliest published Canadian butter tart recipe is from Barrie, Ontario, dating back to 1900 and can be found in The Women’s Auxiliary of the Royal Victoria Hospital Cookbook.  Another early publication of a butter tart recipe was found in a 1915 pie cookbook.  The food was an integral part of early Canadian cuisine and often viewed as a source of pride."
There are 2 variations of the butter tart – runny or firm.  Nuts, such as walnuts or pecans can be added, as well as coconut or currants, however, some people believe that this is not a true butter tart. Please enjoy!
Butter Tarts
1  cup raisins
1/2 cup soft butter
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1 pinch salt
1 cup corn syrup
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1 teaspoon vanilla
Pre made pie shells, or tart shells, or your favorite home made shells.
Prepare muffin pans by rolling out pie dough and cutting 4-inch (approx) circles. Place dough circles into muffin cups then set aside until ready to fill.
In a small bowl, place raisins and cover with hot water.   Let stand on the counter for 20 minutes. Drain.
In a large bowl, whisk together the softened butter, brown sugar, salt and corn syrup. Stir well until sugar is dissolved and butter is creamed.
Add egg and vanilla and mix well.
Divide raisins equally into tart shells; then divide butter mixture into all tarts.
Bake at 400F for 15-20 minutes; filling will be lightly browned but still bubbling. If you prefer runny tarts, only bake for the 15 minutes, if you prefer a firmer tart, bake for the full 20 minutes.
Let cooked butter tarts cool in pans for 10 minutes after removing from oven; then remove and place on racks until completely cool.  Freeze very well. 
Here are some of the cakes I've done:
Thank you, Paula, for sharing your recipe and photos with us. If you’d like to participate as our Featured Member, please submit a photo of yourself, your bio, your favorite recipe and a bit of history about it, as well as some photos of your work to featured@sugaredproductions.com.

45 Featured Members

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Patricia Martyres (Mavric7)
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Karolyn Kellerman (Karolyn's Kakes)
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Angie Groniger (Hanics)
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Susan O' Toole (Suze)
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Rose Rodriguez (Roseyrod)
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Melody Zomonski (MelodyZ)
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Emy Triay (etriay2000)
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Margaret Garner (Simply Cakes by Nona)
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Annette Colon (Nina)
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Michael Goolsby (Mikel79)
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Pamela Prokasy (nopro)
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Maria Mendoza (grammagely)
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Paula Milne
11 years ago


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